Hello, friends!
July marks the beginning of a new fiscal year here at StandOut, and to commemorate this moment we’re taking a look back. The past year has been jam-packed with dozens of new StandOut product enhancements and offerings, and over the summer we’ll be taking you on a journey to review them all.
While we’re on this summer road trip, you’ll notice another shift at StandOut: we’ve heard from clients that our 6-week release cadence can be a lot to take in and communicate out to your organizations, and so we’re moving to a quarterly release cycle to reduce practitioner lift. You can expect our next big batch of product enhancements to be ready on October 4th. Please see the Near-Term Roadmap for details on what to expect.
Onto our Year in Review journey: we hope these posts will give you a chance to catch up on anything you may have missed and serve as a reminder of enhancements you may have noticed but have yet to use. First stop: let’s look at what we’ve done to help you infuse a Strengths culture into your organization.
Please read on below!

NEW StandOut Client Story 
StandOut was at the center of Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield’s employee experience strategy predicated on the individual, the leader and the team. We are proud to be part of how Wellmark’s team has brought this strategy to life, creating an environment in which each and every employee at Wellmark shows up every day to create a better health care experience. See the results and learn more here and in the video below!
StandOut Year in Review: Helping you to infuse a Strengths Culture into your organization
Building and maintaining a company culture that is truly centered on strengths often requires more than just launching the core features of StandOut. Platform adoption and a focus on strengths across all areas of work are key to achieving the cultural change that will maximize performance and drive high levels of engagement. Clients have shared with us their struggles in promoting a strengths mindset across their teams, and over the past year we’ve prioritized many new features, tools, and enhancements to address this challenge.
Please read on to see how we’ve added tools and functionality to help you quickly and easily share your strengths with others, more intuitively navigate through the different features within StandOut, strategize ways to promote a strengths culture, and help your users feel strong in using the platform.
New functionality to share your strengths 
Strength Statement Builder: Identifying your strengths--those activities that you are good at and make you feel strong--is foundational to adopting a strength’s mindset, yet we don’t always readily know these details about ourselves. We introduced the Strength Statement Builder last August to help users quickly identify and precisely describe the activities that they love doing. This short video walks you through the details so you can update your Snapshot with the activities that you love.

Snapshot Sharing: Once you’ve updated your Snapshot with the above , it’s the perfect time to share it out with others. In January, we added a “Share” button that allows users to quickly and easily generate a link to their Snapshot that may be shared with anyone in their organization. Your Snapshot contains a wealth of valuable information that will help others to engage with you in ways that align with your strengths, and we encourage you to share it with your leaders, teammates, and any other colleagues that you work with to keep strengths front and center in your professional relationships.

StandOut Role swag: What better way to show your love of StandOut than right on your ‘fit? Now you can get StandOut tees, sweatshirts, and more by visiting our new StandOut Store!
Shortcuts to help your users navigate their Strengths journey 
Smart Introductions to New Team Members: In March we released new responsive guidance to help team leaders to get to know their new team members quickly and easily. When a new team member joins their team, leaders now receive introductory information right on the Leader Summary page of StandOut. Here, they’ll have easy visibility to the team member’s StandOut Roles, Greatest Value Statement, and a link to their Snapshot--all valuable information in knowing their individual strengths.

Shortcut to Check-In Partnership Conversation: Check-Ins support team leaders and team members in engaging together in meaningful, strengths-based conversations. To make the most of this ritual, both parties can participate in a “Check-In Partnership” Conversation, which can be found on the Conversations page, and now also conveniently linked right within the Team Check-In page with the April release. This additional connection from the Check-In right into the Conversation was created to serve as a reminder to Team Leaders that this tool is available and will support them in having the deep and meaningful conversations that are necessary to drive engagement on their teams.

Shortcut to Role Reflect Conversation: By now you all know how valuable the Snapshot page is in understanding the strengths of your colleagues and how they tend to show up at work. The Role Reflect Conversation takes this understanding to the next level as participants engage in a deeper dive discussion of their Roles. In April, we added a shortcut allowing users to launch a Role Reflect Conversation right from the Snapshot page to make this experience even easier, all in support of workplace interactions that are grounded in strengths.

Strengths-focused events & workshops
StandOut Adoption Workshop: This new 8-hour virtual workshop was developed specifically to help organizations create strategies and build momentum in support of a strengths-centered culture. Participants will become familiar with the StandOut 4-Stage Adoption Model and will become equipped to support teams across their organization in making the most of what StandOut has to offer.

Updated StandOut Strengths Coaching Certification: This newly revised certification provides professional coaches with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to coach individuals from a strengths-based perspective. More information can now be found in the Leader Development catalog of StandOut.
Mini-Tutorial Videos to help users feel STRONG in using StandOut

Season 1: StandOut Mini-Tutorial Videos
To reduce practitioner lift in educating your organization, we’ve created a series of short, easy-to-reference videos that show users how to use many of the features in StandOut, all in 3 minutes or less. You’ve been introduced to these videos as they’ve been released over the past year; here’s the full season for your viewing pleasure. Binge-worthy? We’ll let you decide!
Episode 1: Updating your Snapshot
Episode 2: Participating in a Milestone Connect Conversation
Episode 3: Submitting a Check-In
Episode 4: Reviewing your Team’s Check-Ins
Episode 5: Launching an Engagement Pulse
Episode 6: Responding to an Engagement Pulse
Episode 7: Understanding Your Team's Engagement Pulse Results
Episode 8: Completing a Performance Pulse
Episode 9: StandOut Strengths Coaching
Let us know! Which of the new features and enhancements above have been most valuable to you and/or your organization?