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StandOut Near-Term Roadmap - May 2024

StandOut Near-Term Roadmap - May 2024

The items listed below are tentative and intended for directional planning purposes. The details and assigned releases of each item are subject to change at any time. Release dates may also change as needed. Additionally, your organization may choose to keep items off until a later time; please work with your HR contact to understand when items will become available to you.


June 1, 2024
Release 5.35
StandOut Adoption Workshop
Are you a StandOut practitioner who is ready to take StandOut to the next level within your organization? This newly created workshop will equip participants to be an expert in supporting everyone in the organization in making the most of what StandOut has to offer.
Performance Pulse Mini Tutorial Video
More short & sweet mini-videos are coming to the StandOut Knowledge Base! Performance Pulse is a simple and reliable way to measure performance, and we’re creating a quick video to walk team leaders through the process of launching and submitting a Performance Pulse for their team members.
Snapshot Mini Tutorial Video
Your Snapshot is an integral tool for sharing your unique strengths and talents with your colleagues, and we’re working on a new Knowledge Base mini-video to show users how to use the Strength Statement Builder, create Come to Me When Statements, and update the How to Work Best With Me section.
October 5, 2024
Release 24.40
StandOut Deployment Guide
Work is underway to create new self-service options for client practitioners as they deploy StandOut. From technical setup to planning your communication and education materials, you'll have even more of the resources you need readily available at your fingertips, all to support you in successfully launching StandOut to your organization.
Executive Dashboard Update
We're refreshing the Executive Dashboard section of StandOut Reporting to show data in new ways to help you quickly get to the level of detail needed to understand StandOut adoption and usage in your organization.
Engagement Groupings
Employee engagement is a continuum, with fully engaged employees at one end and people who are not at all engaged at the other end. New StandOut Engagement Groups are being developed to help StandOut Admins know were team members' engagement falls along this continuum and differentiate between the needs of team members in the different groups.
February 15, 2025
Release 25.07
StandOut Content Subscription
StandOut offers many leader development programs, and we're exploring new approaches to deliver this content in more simplified and accessible ways, through both instructor-led and digital self-paced modules.


Dear mam / Sir,

I like to make a different to help my team member to improve our job, any suggestion and ideas, please let me know how I can help. I do want to do my best. I need your wisdom to couch me so I can coach my team member to do our   best and to improve our work performance as well.

Respected Submitted:

Mary Rus

Hi @MaryC.Rus - Thanks for your comment.  Please let us know what specifically you’re looking for and how StandOut can support you.