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Takia: Creator // Provider
StandOut, Sr. Deployment Consultant

What elements of CREATOR really resonated with you, or made you say, “Yes! That’s me!”?

The idea of being comfortable with ambiguity really resonates with me. When I encounter gaps in data, I find it natural to piece together the information I have to form theories that help fill those gaps. My thinking tends to be inferential, which allows me to draw conclusions and see possibilities even without all the details. This approach helps me navigate complex situations by focusing on what’s known and building from there. It’s an aspect of the Creator role that feels very true to my way of thinking and problem-solving.


On the other hand, were there any elements of the role definition that you struggled with?

I found myself at odds with the idea that I'm always asking why. While curiosity is important to me, I don’t naturally lean towards asking “why?” constantly as the CREATOR role suggests.  My organic process veers towards leaning into concepts, noticing patterns, synthesizing information and then verifying the theories I’ve developed to confirm accuracy. This feels more automatic for me and aligned with how I naturally operate and find solutions.

Which parts of “You at Your Most Powerful” have you seen show up in your work? How have they helped you?

One aspect of being a Creator that I've noticed in my work is having moments of insight into new and better ways of doing things. Once these ideas form, they motivate me to bring them to life. My love for concepts and patterns helps me see solutions that might not be immediately obvious, which has been quite valuable for my clients. By providing creative and practical solutions, I aim to help them achieve results that might not have been possible through conventional approaches. This ability to turn ideas into reality has been rewarding and has positively impacted the projects I’m involved in.

Creator is my top role and I resonate with the same elements as Takia. One thing I notice about myself is the ongoing battle between my Creator role (#1) and my Pioneer role (#3) - my Creator wants to lean in, learn more, analyze, and think it through while my Pioneer wants to jump in head first and see what happens. Sometimes my Creator wins, other times my Pioneer wins. Magic happens when I am able to blend the two together.       
