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Jenny: Pioneer // Creator
StandOut, Sr. Deployment Consultant


What elements of CREATOR really resonated with you, or made you say, “Yes! That’s me!”?

Creators are known to be thoughtful and benefit from time alone to mull things over before making decisions. My days can be hectic, yet when I’m able to carve out time in my schedule to quietly think things through and get things done I notice a difference: my head feels clearer, I’m more confident in my decisions, and I find myself pondering new and improved ways of doing things.  I’ve learned that this quiet time to think is actually key to my success at work. Knowing this, even if my calendar is packed with meetings I’ll try find time to think through any complex situations I’m facing, even if it’s during an early morning run or sitting on my patio in the evening.

On the other hand, were there any elements of the role definition that you struggled with?

One part of the Creator role definition that doesn’t resonate with me is the tendency to move at a slower pace.  While I like having a little time to think things through before acting, I generally like to move fast. This is likely a reflection of my primary StandOut Role, Pioneer.  I consider myself to be a Pioneer with a plan: I’m excited by the adventure and ambiguity of the unknown, yet I always have a backup plan thanks to my Creator.


Which parts of “You at Your Most Powerful” have you seen show up in your work? How have they helped you?

As a Creator, my power comes from making sense of things. I enjoy digging into a topic until I fully understand it and can theorize future implications. I work with many HR practitioner clients, and the work we do is complex—because people are complex! I love sharing StandOut with them because it makes so much sense. Our philosophy and tools are straightforward, backed up by so much research, and provide solutions to long-persisting challenges in the talent activation space. Yet all of our research, tools, and offerings can be a lot to take in at once. My power as a Creator shows up in my approach for presenting information and making recommendations to clients, so that they can intake and utilize all of the benefits StandOut has to offer in a way that makes sense for their organization.

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