The items listed below are tentative and intended for directional planning purposes. The details and assigned releases of each item are subject to change at any time. Release dates may also change as needed.
October 14, 2023
Release 5.30
StandOut Insights
In an effort to provide practitioners with better visibility into the meaning and implications of StandOut data, we're creating a new feature called StandOut Insights. This feature will provide you with the story behind your organization's data, surface trends, and share actionable coaching to help you drive employee engagement and StandOut adoption. Partnership
We're partnering with to provide non-enterprise Assessment takers with the opportunity to better understand their Assessment Results by connecting them with 3rd-party StandOut Debrief Certified Coaches via the platform. As of the 10/14 release, free assessment takers will see a button to find a coach on the interface where they receive their assessment results
Product Ideas in StandOut Community
We love hearing product ideas from StandOut users, so we're creating a space within the StandOut Community to facilitate meaningful conversations around future enhancements and use cases. Your ideas make our platform awesome, and we're committed to partnering with you to hear what you'd like to see next!
Engagement Pulse Debrief Tracker
We're creating a new tool to help organizations better understand and track which leaders are taking action on their team's Engagement Pulse results, and how valuable completed debrief conversations were to all participants.
StandOut Introduction Email
New StandOut users can now be warmly welcomed into the platform with an automated email. When configured on, this email will be sent to new users once they are added to your organization's User File. Admin users can configure this to meet their unique timelines.
December 2, 2023
Release 5.31
StandOut Knowledge Base
We're making it easier than ever to find relevant content within StandOut by adding an embedded widget that will serve up curated Knowledge Base articles right in the platform - meeting you right where you are, with the answers you need!
Notification Scheduler
StandOut users will now have the ability to customize on which days and times they receive email notifications. We're so pleased to be able to deliver reminders and coaching tips to your inbox at a time that is best for you!
StandOut Strengths Coaching Certification
The newly revised StandOut
Strengths Coaching Certification, including a deeper dive into TMBC’s strengths coaching model, provides professional coaches with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to coach individuals from a strengths-based perspective. This certification combines virtual classroom learning, 1:1 mentoring with a TMBC-certified coach, and peer-to-peer coaching to build a solid foundation for becoming a strengths-based coach.

Conversations UX Updates
Thanks to user feedback shared in listening sessions, we're planning a few upgrades for the Conversations user experience, including adding clarity around when a Conversation should be marked as "complete" and allowing edits to be made during live Conversations.
January 13, 2024
Release 5.32
Conversations Enhancements
We're excited to bring several enhancements to our Conversations feature, to facilitate even more connection within your organization. The "Our Check-In Partnership" and "Getting to Know You" Conversation Guides are being upgraded to Interactive Conversations, and a new Conversation Guide focusing on mentorship and growth will be available.
Shareable Engagement Pulse Results
An enhancement is coming your way that will make it easier to share out Engagement Pulse results, helping leaders to give better visibility both to their teams and their leaders.
Engagement Pulse Debrief Customization
Organizations will soon be able to add custom questions to the Engagement Pulse Debrief survey (introduced with Release 5.30), allowing you to collect data specific to your organization's unique needs.
Engagement Pulse Reporting Enhancements
We're working to make Engagement Pulse reporting even more accessible by creating the ability to export charts and heat maps so that you can easily share them out with others.
Snapshot Sharing
Soon it will be easier than ever to share your unique strengths and tendencies with others; we're creating the ability to share a link directly to the Snapshot page to facilitate quick and easy strength communication.